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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- This library defines a representation of a search space as --- a tree and various search strategies on this tree. --- This module implements **strong encapsulation** as discussed in --- [the JFLP'04 paper](http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~mh/papers/JFLP04_findall.html). --- --- @author Michael Hanus, Bjoern Peemoeller, Fabian Reck --- @version November 2024 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Control.Search.SearchTree ( SearchTree (..), someSearchTree, getSearchTree , isDefined, showSearchTree, searchTreeSize, limitSearchTree , Strategy , dfsStrategy, bfsStrategy, idsStrategy, idsStrategyWith, diagStrategy , allValuesWith , allValuesDFS, allValuesBFS, allValuesIDS, allValuesIDSwith, allValuesDiag , getAllValuesWith, printAllValuesWith, printValuesWith , someValue, someValueWith , ValueSequence, emptyVS, addVS, failVS, (|++|), vsToList ) where import System.IO ( hFlush, stdout ) import Data.List ( diagonal ) import Control.Search.Unsafe ( allValues ) --- A search tree is a value, a failure, or a choice between two search trees. data SearchTree a = Value a | Fail Int | Or (SearchTree a) (SearchTree a) --- A search strategy maps a search tree into some sequence of values. --- Using the abtract type of sequence of values (rather than list of values) --- enables the use of search strategies for encapsulated search --- with search trees (strong encapsulation) as well as --- with set functions (weak encapsulation). type Strategy a = SearchTree a -> ValueSequence a --- Returns the search tree for some expression. getSearchTree :: a -> IO (SearchTree a) getSearchTree x = return (someSearchTree x) --- Internal operation to return the search tree for some expression. --- Note that this operation is not purely declarative since --- the ordering in the resulting search tree depends on the --- ordering of the program rules. --- --- Note that in PAKCS the search tree is just a degenerated tree --- representing all values of the argument expression --- and it is computed at once (i.e., not lazily!). someSearchTree :: a -> SearchTree a someSearchTree = list2st . allValues where list2st [] = Fail 0 list2st [x] = Value x list2st (x:y:ys) = Or (Value x) (list2st (y:ys)) --- Returns True iff the argument is defined, i.e., has a value. isDefined :: a -> Bool isDefined x = hasValue (someSearchTree x) where hasValue y = case y of Value _ -> True Fail _ -> False Or t1 t2 -> hasValue t1 || hasValue t2 --- Shows the search tree as an intended line structure showSearchTree :: Show a => SearchTree a -> String showSearchTree st = showsST [] st "" where -- `showsST ctxt <SearchTree>`, where `ctxt` is a stack of boolean flags -- indicating whether we show the last alternative of the respective -- level to enable drawing aesthetical corners showsST ctxt (Value a) = indent ctxt . shows a . nl showsST ctxt (Fail _) = indent ctxt . showChar '!' . nl showsST ctxt (Or t1 t2) = indent ctxt . showChar '?' . nl . showsST (False : ctxt) t1 . showsST (True : ctxt) t2 indent [] = id indent (i:is) = showString (concatMap showIndent $ reverse is) . showChar (if i then llc else lmc) . showString (hbar : " ") where showIndent isLast = (if isLast then ' ' else vbar) : " " vbar = '\9474' -- vertical bar hbar = '\9472' -- horizontal bar llc = '\9492' -- left lower corner lmc = '\9500' -- left middle corner nl = showChar '\n' shows x = showString (show x) showChar c = (c:) showString s = (s++) -- showSearchTree st = showST 0 st "" -- where -- showST _ (Value a) = showString "Value: " . shows a . nl -- showST _ Fail = showString "Fail" . nl -- showST i (Or t1 t2) = showString "Or " -- . showST i' t1 . tab i' . showST i' t2 -- where i' = i + 1 -- tab j = showString $ replicate (3 * j) ' ' --- Returns the size (number of Value/Fail/Or nodes) of the search tree. searchTreeSize :: SearchTree _ -> (Int, Int, Int) searchTreeSize (Value _) = (1, 0, 0) searchTreeSize (Fail _) = (0, 1, 0) searchTreeSize (Or t1 t2) = let (v1, f1, o1) = searchTreeSize t1 (v2, f2, o2) = searchTreeSize t2 in (v1 + v2, f1 + f2, o1 + o2 + 1) --- Limit the depth of a search tree. Branches which a depth larger --- than the first argument are replace by `Fail (-1)`. limitSearchTree :: Int -> SearchTree a -> SearchTree a limitSearchTree _ v@(Value _) = v limitSearchTree _ f@(Fail _) = f limitSearchTree n (Or t1 t2) = if n<0 then Fail (-1) else Or (limitSearchTree (n-1) t1) (limitSearchTree (n-1) t2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Definition of various search strategies: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Depth-first search strategy. dfsStrategy :: Strategy a dfsStrategy (Fail d) = failVS d dfsStrategy (Value x) = addVS x emptyVS dfsStrategy (Or x y) = dfsStrategy x |++| dfsStrategy y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Breadth-first search strategy. bfsStrategy :: Strategy a bfsStrategy t = allBFS [t] allBFS :: [SearchTree a] -> ValueSequence a allBFS [] = emptyVS allBFS (t:ts) = values (t:ts) |++| allBFS (children (t:ts)) children :: [SearchTree a] -> [SearchTree a] children [] = [] children (Fail _ : ts) = children ts children (Value _ : ts) = children ts children (Or x y : ts) = x:y:children ts -- Transforms a list of search trees into a value sequence where -- choices are ignored. values :: [SearchTree a] -> ValueSequence a values [] = emptyVS values (Fail d : ts) = failVS d |++| values ts values (Value x : ts) = addVS x (values ts) values (Or _ _ : ts) = values ts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Iterative-deepening search strategy. idsStrategy :: Strategy a idsStrategy t = idsStrategyWith defIDSDepth defIDSInc t --- The default initial search depth for IDS defIDSDepth :: Int defIDSDepth = 100 --- The default increasing function for IDS defIDSInc :: Int -> Int defIDSInc = (2*) --- Parameterized iterative-deepening search strategy. --- The first argument is the initial depth bound and --- the second argument is a function to increase the depth in each --- iteration. idsStrategyWith :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Strategy a idsStrategyWith initdepth incrdepth st = iterIDS initdepth (collectInBounds 0 initdepth st) where iterIDS _ Nil = emptyVS iterIDS n (Cons x xs) = addVS x (iterIDS n xs) iterIDS n (FCons fd xs) = failVS fd |++| iterIDS n xs iterIDS n Abort = let newdepth = incrdepth n in iterIDS newdepth (collectInBounds n newdepth st) -- Collect solutions within some level bounds in a tree. collectInBounds :: Int -> Int -> SearchTree a -> AbortList a collectInBounds oldbound newbound st = collectLevel newbound st where collectLevel d (Fail fd) = if d <newbound-oldbound then FCons fd Nil else Nil collectLevel d (Value x) = if d<newbound-oldbound then Cons x Nil else Nil collectLevel d (Or x y) = if d>0 then concA (collectLevel (d-1) x) (collectLevel (d-1) y) else Abort -- List containing "aborts" are used to implement the iterative -- depeening strategy: data AbortList a = Nil | Cons a (AbortList a) | FCons Int (AbortList a) | Abort -- Concatenation on abort lists where aborts are moved to the right. concA :: AbortList a -> AbortList a -> AbortList a concA Abort Abort = Abort concA Abort Nil = Abort concA Abort (Cons x xs) = Cons x (concA Abort xs) concA Abort (FCons d xs) = FCons d (concA Abort xs) concA Nil ys = ys concA (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x (concA xs ys) concA (FCons d xs) ys = FCons d (concA xs ys) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Diagonalization search according to -- J. Christiansen, S Fischer: EasyCheck - Test Data for Free (FLOPS 2008) --- Diagonalization search strategy. diagStrategy :: Strategy a diagStrategy st = values (diagonal (levels [st])) -- Enumerate all nodes of a forest of search trees in a level manner. levels :: [SearchTree a] -> [[SearchTree a]] levels st | null st = [] | otherwise = st : levels [ u | Or x y <- st, u <- [x,y] ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Operations to map search trees into list of values. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Return all values in a search tree via some given search strategy. allValuesWith :: Strategy a -> SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesWith strategy searchtree = vsToList (strategy searchtree) --- Return all values in a search tree via depth-first search. allValuesDFS :: SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesDFS = allValuesWith dfsStrategy --- Return all values in a search tree via breadth-first search. allValuesBFS :: SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesBFS = allValuesWith bfsStrategy --- Return all values in a search tree via iterative-deepening search. allValuesIDS :: SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesIDS = allValuesIDSwith defIDSDepth defIDSInc --- Return all values in a search tree via iterative-deepening search. --- The first argument is the initial depth bound and --- the second argument is a function to increase the depth in each --- iteration. allValuesIDSwith :: Int -> (Int -> Int) -> SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesIDSwith initdepth incrdepth = allValuesWith (idsStrategyWith initdepth incrdepth) --- Return all values in a search tree via diagonalization search strategy. allValuesDiag :: SearchTree a -> [a] allValuesDiag = allValuesWith diagStrategy --- Gets all values of an expression w.r.t. a search strategy. --- A search strategy is an operation to traverse a search tree --- and collect all values, e.g., 'dfsStrategy' or 'bfsStrategy'. --- Conceptually, all values are computed on a copy of the expression, --- i.e., the evaluation of the expression does not share any results. getAllValuesWith :: Strategy a -> a -> IO [a] getAllValuesWith strategy exp = do t <- getSearchTree exp return (vsToList (strategy t)) --- Prints all values of an expression w.r.t. a search strategy. --- A search strategy is an operation to traverse a search tree --- and collect all values, e.g., 'dfsStrategy' or 'bfsStrategy'. --- Conceptually, all printed values are computed on a copy of the expression, --- i.e., the evaluation of the expression does not share any results. printAllValuesWith :: Show a => Strategy a -> a -> IO () printAllValuesWith strategy exp = getAllValuesWith strategy exp >>= mapM_ print --- Prints the values of an expression w.r.t. a search strategy --- on demand by the user. Thus, the user must type <ENTER> before --- another value is computed and printed. --- A search strategy is an operation to traverse a search tree --- and collect all values, e.g., 'dfsStrategy' or 'bfsStrategy'. --- Conceptually, all printed values are computed on a copy of the expression, --- i.e., the evaluation of the expression does not share any results. printValuesWith :: Show a => Strategy a -> a -> IO () printValuesWith strategy exp = getAllValuesWith strategy exp >>= printValues where printValues [] = return () printValues (x:xs) = do putStr (show x) hFlush stdout _ <- getLine printValues xs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Returns some value for an expression. --- --- Note that this operation is not purely declarative since --- the computed value depends on the ordering of the program rules. --- Thus, this operation should be used only if the expression --- has a single value. It fails if the expression has no value. someValue :: a -> a someValue = someValueWith bfsStrategy --- Returns some value for an expression w.r.t. a search strategy. --- A search strategy is an operation to traverse a search tree --- and collect all values, e.g., 'dfsStrategy' or 'bfsStrategy'. --- --- Note that this operation is not purely declarative since --- the computed value depends on the ordering of the program rules. --- Thus, this operation should be used only if the expression --- has a single value. It fails if the expression has no value. someValueWith :: Strategy a -> a -> a someValueWith strategy x = head (vsToList (strategy (someSearchTree x))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- The subsequent part defines a data structure for sequence of values --- which is used in the implementation of search trees. --- Using sequence of values (rather than standard lists of values) --- is necessary to get the behavior of set functions --- w.r.t. finite failures right, as described in the paper --- --- > J. Christiansen, M. Hanus, F. Reck, D. Seidel: --- > A Semantics for Weakly Encapsulated Search in Functional Logic Programs --- > Proc. 15th International Conference on Principles and Practice --- > of Declarative Programming (PPDP'13), pp. 49-60, ACM Press, 2013 --- --- Note that the implementation for PAKCS is simplified in order to provide --- some functionality used by other modules. --- In particular, the intended semantics of failures is not provided --- in the PAKCS implementation. --- A value sequence is an abstract sequence of values. --- It also contains failure elements in order to implement the semantics --- of set functions w.r.t. failures in the intended manner (only in KiCS2). data ValueSequence a = EmptyVS | ConsVS a (ValueSequence a) --- An empty sequence of values. emptyVS :: ValueSequence a emptyVS = EmptyVS --- Adds a value to a sequence of values. addVS :: a -> ValueSequence a -> ValueSequence a addVS = ConsVS --- Adds a failure to a sequence of values. --- The argument is the encapsulation level of the failure. failVS :: Int -> ValueSequence a failVS _ = EmptyVS -- cannot be implemented in PAKCS!" --- Concatenates two sequences of values. (|++|) :: ValueSequence a -> ValueSequence a -> ValueSequence a xs |++| ys = case xs of EmptyVS -> ys ConsVS z zs -> ConsVS z (zs |++| ys) --- Transforms a sequence of values into a list of values. vsToList :: ValueSequence a -> [a] vsToList EmptyVS = [] vsToList (ConsVS x xs) = x : vsToList xs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |