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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Library with functional logic parser combinators. --- --- Adapted from: Rafael Caballero and Francisco J. Lopez-Fraguas: --- A Functional Logic Perspective of Parsing. --- In Proc. FLOPS'99, Springer LNCS 1722, pp. 85-99, 1999 --- --- @author Michael Hanus --- @version November 2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ {-# OPTIONS_FRONTEND -Wno-incomplete-patterns #-} module Parser where -- Operator declarations for the parser combinators: infixr 4 <*> infixr 3 >>> infixr 2 <|>, <||> -- We distinguish two kind of parsers: -- A parser without a representation has type "[token] -> [token]": -- it parses a list of tokens and returns the remaining unparsed tokens type Parser token = [token] -> [token] -- A parser with representation has type "rep -> [token] -> [token]": -- in addition to the input tokens, it has the representation as an argument -- (which is usually a free variable bound to the representation after parsing) type ParserRep rep token = rep -> Parser token -- Now we can define the basic combinators for parsers: --- Combines two parsers without representation in an alternative manner. (<|>) :: Parser t -> Parser t -> Parser t p <|> q = \sentence -> p sentence ? q sentence --- Combines two parsers with representation in an alternative manner. (<||>) :: ParserRep r t -> ParserRep r t -> ParserRep r t p <||> q = \rep -> p rep <|> q rep --- Combines two parsers (with or without representation) in a --- sequential manner. (<*>) :: Data t => Parser t -> Parser t -> Parser t p1 <*> p2 = seq where seq sentence | p1 sentence =:= sent1 = p2 sent1 where sent1 free --- Attaches a representation to a parser without representation. (>>>) :: (Data token, Data rep) => Parser token -> rep -> ParserRep rep token parser >>> repexp = attach where attach rep sentence | parser sentence =:= rest &> repexp =:= rep = rest where rest free -- Finally, we define some useful basic parsers and derived combinators: --- The empty parser which recognizes the empty word. empty :: Parser _ empty sentence = sentence --- A parser recognizing a particular terminal symbol. terminal :: Data token => token -> Parser token terminal sym (token:tokens) | sym=:=token = tokens --- A parser (with representation) recognizing a terminal satisfying --- a given predicate. satisfy :: Data token => (token -> Bool) -> ParserRep token token satisfy pred sym (token:tokens) | pred token =:= True & sym=:=token = tokens --- A star combinator for parsers. The returned parser --- repeats zero or more times a parser p with representation and --- returns the representation of all parsers in a list. star :: (Data token, Data rep) => ParserRep rep token -> ParserRep [rep] token star p = p x <*> (star p) xs >>> (x:xs) <||> empty >>> [] where x,xs free --- A some combinator for parsers. The returned parser --- repeats the argument parser (with representation) at least once. some :: (Data token, Data rep) => ParserRep rep token -> ParserRep [rep] token some p = p x <*> (star p) xs >>> (x:xs) where x,xs free {----------------------------------------------------------------------- As a simple example we define a parser for arithmetic expressions over natural numbers. The presentation of this parser is the value of the expression. expression = term t <*> plus_minus op <*> expression e >>> (op t e) <||> term where op,t,e free term = factor f <*> prod_div op <*> term t >>> (op f t) <||> factor where op,f,t free factor = terminal '(' <*> expression e <*> terminal ')' >>> e <||> num where e free plus_minus = terminal '+' >>> (+) <||> terminal '-' >>> (-) prod_div = terminal '*' >>> (*) <||> terminal '/' >>> div num = some digit l >>> numeric_value l where l free numeric_value ds = foldl1 ((+).(10*)) (map (\c->ord c - ord '0') ds) digit = satisfy isDigit -- example application: expression val "(10+5*2)/4" =:= [] -----------------------------------------------------------------------} |