Module Check.LineLength

Summary of exported operations:

checkLine :: String -> [Message]   
|Convert source string step by step: 1) replace tabs by two blanks for better character counting 2) convert string into list of strings, separated by lines 3) number lines consecutively 4) calls the lineLength function for every line
lineLength :: Int -> (Int,String) -> [Message]   
|Count characters in a line
tabs2Blanks :: String -> String   

Exported operations:

checkLine :: String -> [Message]   

|Convert source string step by step: 1) replace tabs by two blanks for better character counting 2) convert string into list of strings, separated by lines 3) number lines consecutively 4) calls the lineLength function for every line

  • list of messages containing a warning for each illegally long line

lineLength :: Int -> (Int,String) -> [Message]   

|Count characters in a line

Example call:
(lineLength maxl lnumber l)
  • maxl : maximum line length read out from config file
  • lnumber : number of line
  • l : string with content of line
  • list containing message if l is longer than maxl

tabs2Blanks :: String -> String