Module Heap

This module defines a heap structure, containing bindings from variables to markers for free variables or black holes, or the expressions.

Author: Björn Peemöller, Jan Tikovsky

Version: October 2017

Summary of exported operations:

emptyH :: FM Int Binding   
Create an empty heap
fromListH :: [(Int,Binding)] -> FM Int Binding   
Create a heap from a list of bindings
isEmptyH :: FM Int Binding -> Bool   
Check if heap is empty
elemH :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> Bool   
Check if there is a binding for a variable in the heap
lookupH :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> Maybe Binding   
Lookup a binding for a variable in the heap
bindH :: Int -> Binding -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable to a binding in the given heap
bindHole :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable as a "black hole" in the given heap
bindExpr :: Int -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable to the given expression in the given heap
bindLazyExpr :: Int -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable lazily to the given expression in the given heap
bindFree :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable as "free" in the given heap
bindLazyFree :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable lazily as "free" in the given heap
bindSym :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Bind a variable as symbolic argument
unbind :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   
Unbind a variable in the given heap
ppHeap :: FM Int Binding -> Doc   

Exported datatypes:


A Binding represents the value of a variable bound in the heap.


  • BlackHole :: Binding : the variable is a black hole, such as in let x = x in x
  • BoundVar :: (AExpr TypeAnn) -> Binding : the variable is bound to an expression e
  • LazyBound :: (AExpr TypeAnn) -> Binding : the variable is bound to an expression e lazily
  • FreeVar :: Binding : the variable is a logic (free) variable
  • LazyFree :: Binding : the variable is a lazily bound logic (free) variable
  • SymArg :: Binding : the variable is a symbolic argument


A Heap is an association from a VarIndex to a Binding

Type synonym: Heap = FM VarIndex Binding

Exported operations:

emptyH :: FM Int Binding   

Create an empty heap

fromListH :: [(Int,Binding)] -> FM Int Binding   

Create a heap from a list of bindings

isEmptyH :: FM Int Binding -> Bool   

Check if heap is empty

elemH :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> Bool   

Check if there is a binding for a variable in the heap

lookupH :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> Maybe Binding   

Lookup a binding for a variable in the heap

bindH :: Int -> Binding -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable to a binding in the given heap

bindHole :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable as a "black hole" in the given heap

bindExpr :: Int -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable to the given expression in the given heap

bindLazyExpr :: Int -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable lazily to the given expression in the given heap

bindFree :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable as "free" in the given heap

bindLazyFree :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable lazily as "free" in the given heap

bindSym :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Bind a variable as symbolic argument

unbind :: Int -> FM Int Binding -> FM Int Binding   

Unbind a variable in the given heap

ppHeap :: FM Int Binding -> Doc