Module IdentifyCases

This module provides transforms FlatCurry programs for concolic evaluation:

  • For every case expression a fresh identifier is introduced for the scrutinized expression. For instance the expression
    case e of p1 -> e1; ... ; pn -> en
    is transformed to
    let cid = e in case cid of p1 -> e1; ... ; pn -> en
    where cid is a fresh identifier
  • Furthermore, cases with boolean expressions as arguments are normalized in the following form:
    case c1 && c2 of case c1 of True -> e1 is transformed to True -> case c2 of False -> e2 True -> e1 False -> e2 False -> e2
    Disjunctions are transformed in a similar way.

Author: Jan Tikovsky

Version: August 2017

Summary of exported operations:

get :: ICM Int   
put :: Int -> ICM ()   
freshID :: ICM Int   
Generate a fresh identifier
idCases :: [AFuncDecl a] -> ([AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool)],Int)   
Annotate case expressions with fresh identifiers and mark literals
idFunc :: AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool))   
idRule :: ARule (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (ARule (a,Maybe Int,Bool))   
idExpr :: AExpr (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (AExpr (a,Maybe Int,Bool))   

Exported datatypes:


Identify Cases Monad


Exported operations:

get :: ICM Int   

put :: Int -> ICM ()   

freshID :: ICM Int   

Generate a fresh identifier

idCases :: [AFuncDecl a] -> ([AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool)],Int)   

Annotate case expressions with fresh identifiers and mark literals

idFunc :: AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (AFuncDecl (a,Maybe Int,Bool))   

idRule :: ARule (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (ARule (a,Maybe Int,Bool))   

idExpr :: AExpr (a,Maybe Int,Bool) -> ICM (AExpr (a,Maybe Int,Bool))