Module Search

This module includes the main search loop of the ccti.

Author: Jan Tikovsky

Version: December 2017

Summary of exported operations:

ppTestCase :: (AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr]) -> Doc   
Pretty printing of test cases
initCSState :: CCTOpts -> SMTInfo -> [Int] -> CSState   
Initial state for the concolic search
execCSM :: CSM a -> CSState -> SMTSess CSState   
gets :: (CSState -> a) -> CSM a   
get :: CSM CSState   
put :: CSState -> CSM ()   
modify :: (CSState -> CSState) -> CSM ()   
liftSMTSess :: SMTSess a -> CSM a   
Lift SMT sessions to CSM
io :: IO a -> CSM a   
Lift IO actions to CSM
getOpts :: CSM CCTOpts   
Get concolic search options
getSymTree :: CSM (PQ Int SymNode)   
Get current symbolic tree
setSymTree :: PQ Int SymNode -> CSM ()   
getCoverMap :: CSM (ContextMap [Int] CoverInfo)   
Get current map of unvisited branches
getSMTInfo :: CSM SMTInfo   
Get SMTInfo object
getSymArgs :: CSM [Int]   
Get symbolic arguments of expression to be tested
getTestCases :: CSM [(AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr])]   
Get current test suite
addTestCase :: (AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr]) -> CSM Bool   
Add a test case to the current test suite Return True if its a new test case and False otherwise
addSMTFail :: [SMTError] -> [Int] -> [Command] -> CSM ()   
Add information on SMT solver failure
getCovered :: [Int] -> CSM CoveredCs   
Get the constructors / constraints already covered for a given context
updSymInfo :: [Decision] -> CSM ()   
processTrace :: CCTOpts -> [Decision] -> PQ Int SymNode -> ContextMap [Int] CoverInfo -> SMTInfo -> (PQ Int SymNode,ContextMap [Int] CoverInfo,SMTInfo)   
csearch :: CCTOpts -> [AFuncDecl (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)] -> Int -> SMTInfo -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> IO [(AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr])]   
Generate constraint information Generate a path constraint
searchLoop :: FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> CEState -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> CSM ()   
searchLoopN :: Int -> CSM () -> FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> CEState -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> CSM ()   
main loop of concolic search
renameTraces :: ([AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)],[[Decision]],Int) -> CSM ([AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)],[[Decision]],Int)   
Renaming of trace variables
nextSymNode :: CSM (Maybe SymNode)   
Get next symbolic node from search tree if there is still one left abort criterion
rmvSymNode :: CSM ()   
Remove next node from symbolic tree
genSMTCmds :: Int -> SymNode -> CSM [Command]   
Generate SMT-LIB commands for the variable declarations and the assertion of path constraints for the given symbolic node
getSMTArgs :: SymNode -> FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> [Int]   
Get variable indices for arguments of concolically tested expression
genSMTFail :: SMTFail -> [Command] -> [Command]   
Generate SMT commands from SMTFails
skipSymNode :: SymNode -> CSM ()   
Skip a node in the symbolic execution tree by marking all its branches as covered

Exported datatypes:


Map of unvisited symbolic nodes, i.e. case branches

Type synonym: CoverMap = ContextMap Context CoverInfo


Represent symbolic execution tree by priority queue

Type synonym: SymTree = PQ Depth SymNode


Test case data: function call with arguments and corresponding non-deterministic results

Type synonym: TestCase = (AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr])


Information on SMT solver failures





Concolic search monad



Type synonym: UpdSymInfo = SymTree -> CoverMap -> SMTInfo -> (SymTree,CoverMap,SMTInfo)

Exported operations:

ppTestCase :: (AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr]) -> Doc   

Pretty printing of test cases

initCSState :: CCTOpts -> SMTInfo -> [Int] -> CSState   

Initial state for the concolic search

execCSM :: CSM a -> CSState -> SMTSess CSState   

gets :: (CSState -> a) -> CSM a   

get :: CSM CSState   

put :: CSState -> CSM ()   

modify :: (CSState -> CSState) -> CSM ()   

liftSMTSess :: SMTSess a -> CSM a   

Lift SMT sessions to CSM

io :: IO a -> CSM a   

Lift IO actions to CSM

getOpts :: CSM CCTOpts   

Get concolic search options

getSymTree :: CSM (PQ Int SymNode)   

Get current symbolic tree

setSymTree :: PQ Int SymNode -> CSM ()   

getCoverMap :: CSM (ContextMap [Int] CoverInfo)   

Get current map of unvisited branches

getSMTInfo :: CSM SMTInfo   

Get SMTInfo object

getSymArgs :: CSM [Int]   

Get symbolic arguments of expression to be tested

getTestCases :: CSM [(AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr])]   

Get current test suite

addTestCase :: (AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr]) -> CSM Bool   

Add a test case to the current test suite Return True if its a new test case and False otherwise

addSMTFail :: [SMTError] -> [Int] -> [Command] -> CSM ()   

Add information on SMT solver failure

getCovered :: [Int] -> CSM CoveredCs   

Get the constructors / constraints already covered for a given context

updSymInfo :: [Decision] -> CSM ()   

csearch :: CCTOpts -> [AFuncDecl (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)] -> Int -> SMTInfo -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> IO [(AExpr TypeExpr,[AExpr TypeExpr])]   

Generate constraint information Generate a path constraint

searchLoop :: FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> CEState -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> CSM ()   

searchLoopN :: Int -> CSM () -> FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> CEState -> AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool) -> CSM ()   

main loop of concolic search

renameTraces :: ([AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)],[[Decision]],Int) -> CSM ([AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)],[[Decision]],Int)   

Renaming of trace variables

nextSymNode :: CSM (Maybe SymNode)   

Get next symbolic node from search tree if there is still one left abort criterion

rmvSymNode :: CSM ()   

Remove next node from symbolic tree

genSMTCmds :: Int -> SymNode -> CSM [Command]   

Generate SMT-LIB commands for the variable declarations and the assertion of path constraints for the given symbolic node

getSMTArgs :: SymNode -> FM Int (AExpr (TypeExpr,Maybe Int,Bool)) -> [Int]   

Get variable indices for arguments of concolically tested expression

genSMTFail :: SMTFail -> [Command] -> [Command]   

Generate SMT commands from SMTFails

skipSymNode :: SymNode -> CSM ()   

Skip a node in the symbolic execution tree by marking all its branches as covered