Module ACSpans.Transform

This library provides transformation and update operations on AbstractCurry programs. Since the transformations are defined recursively on structured types, they are useful to construct specific transformations on AbstractCurry programs. In particular, this library contains the transformation renameCurryModule to rename an AbstractCurry module.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: April 2016

Summary of exported operations:

trCProg :: (String -> [String] -> [CTypeDecl] -> [CFuncDecl] -> [COpDecl] -> a) -> CurryProg -> a   
Transforms an AbstractCurry program.
trCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [CConsDecl] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> CConsDecl -> a) -> CTypeDecl -> a   
Transforms a type declaration.
trCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [CTypeExpr] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [CFieldDecl] -> a) -> CConsDecl -> a   
Transforms a constructor declaration.
trCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> CFieldDecl -> a   
Transforms a constructor declaration.
trCTypeExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> CTypeExpr -> a   
Transforms a type expression.
trCOpDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CFixity -> Int -> a) -> COpDecl -> a   
Transforms an operator declaration.
trCFuncDecl :: (String -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> Int -> CVisibility -> CTypeExpr -> [CRule] -> a) -> CFuncDecl -> a   
Transforms a function declaration
trCRule :: ([CPattern] -> CRhs -> a) -> CRule -> a   
Transform a rule.
trCRhs :: (CExpr -> [CLocalDecl] -> a) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)] -> [CLocalDecl] -> a) -> CRhs -> a   
Transforms a right-hand side (of a rule or case expression).
trCLocalDecl :: (CFuncDecl -> a) -> (CPattern -> CRhs -> a) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> a) -> CLocalDecl -> a   
Transforms a local declaration.
trCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> (CLiteral -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> CPattern -> a   
Transforms a pattern.
trExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> (CLiteral -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> ([CPattern] -> a -> a) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> a -> a) -> ([CStatement] -> a) -> (a -> [CStatement] -> a) -> (CCaseType -> a -> [(CPattern,CRhs)] -> a) -> (a -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> (a -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> CExpr -> a   
Transforms an expression.
trCStatement :: (CExpr -> a) -> (CPattern -> CExpr -> a) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> a) -> CStatement -> a   
Transforms a statement (occuring in do expressions or list comprehensions).
typesOfCurryProg :: CurryProg -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
Extracts all type names occurring in a program.
typesOfCTypeDecl :: CTypeDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
Extracts all type names occurring in a type declaration.
typesOfConsDecl :: CConsDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
typesOfFieldDecl :: CFieldDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
typesOfTypeExpr :: CTypeExpr -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
typesOfCFuncDecl :: CFuncDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfCurryProg :: CurryProg -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
Extracts all function (and constructor) names occurring in a program.
funcsOfCTypeDecl :: CTypeDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfConsDecl :: CConsDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfFieldDecl :: CFieldDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfCFuncDecl :: CFuncDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
Extracts all function (and constructor) names occurring in a function declaration.
funcsOfCRule :: CRule -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfCRhs :: CRhs -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfLDecl :: CLocalDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfExpr :: CExpr -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
funcsOfStat :: CStatement -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   
renameCurryModule :: String -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   
updCProg :: (String -> String) -> ([String] -> [String]) -> ([CTypeDecl] -> [CTypeDecl]) -> ([CFuncDecl] -> [CFuncDecl]) -> ([COpDecl] -> [COpDecl]) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   
Updates an AbstractCurry program.
updCProgName :: (String -> String) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   
updCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)]) -> ([CConsDecl] -> [CConsDecl]) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> (CConsDecl -> CConsDecl) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   
update type declaration
getPosType :: CTypeDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updCTypeDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   
Updates the name of a type declaration.
updCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> ([CTypeExpr] -> [CTypeExpr]) -> ([CFieldDecl] -> [CFieldDecl]) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   
Updates a constructor declaration.
getPosCons :: CConsDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updCConsDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   
Updates the name of a constructor declaration.
updCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   
update constructor declaration
updCFieldDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   
Updates the name of a constructor declaration.
updTConsApp :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [CTypeExpr] -> CTypeExpr) -> CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr   
Updates all type constructor applications in a type expression.
updCOpDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CFixity -> CFixity) -> (Int -> Int) -> COpDecl -> COpDecl   
Updates an operator declaration.
updCOpName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> COpDecl -> COpDecl   
Updates the name of an operator declaration.
updCFuncDecl :: (String -> String) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (Int -> Int) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> ([CRule] -> [CRule]) -> CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl   
Updates a function declaration.
getPosFunc :: CFuncDecl -> Maybe ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updCRule :: ([CPattern] -> [CPattern]) -> (CRhs -> CRhs) -> CRule -> CRule   
Update a rule.
updCRhs :: (CExpr -> CExpr) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)]) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> [CLocalDecl]) -> CRhs -> CRhs   
Updates right-hand side.
updCLocalDecl :: (CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl) -> (CPattern -> CPattern) -> (CRhs -> CRhs) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)]) -> CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl   
Updates a local declaration.
getPos :: CLocalDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)) -> (CLiteral -> CLiteral) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CPattern -> CPattern   
Updates a pattern.
getPosPat :: CPattern -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updCStatement :: (CExpr -> CExpr) -> (CPattern -> CPattern) -> (CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl) -> CStatement -> CStatement   
Updates a statement (occuring in do expressions or list comprehensions).
getPosStat :: CStatement -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updQNamesInCProg :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   
Updates all qualified names in a Curry program.
updQNamesInCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   
Updates all qualified names in a type declaration.
updQNamesInCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   
Updates all qualified names in a constructor declaration.
updQNamesInCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   
Updates all qualified names in a record field declaration.
updQNamesInCTypeExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr   
Updates all qualified names in a type expression.
updQNamesInCFuncDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl   
Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.
updQNamesInCRule :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CRule -> CRule   
Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.
updQNamesInCRhs :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CRhs -> CRhs   
Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.
updQNamesInCLocalDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl   
Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.
updQNamesInCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CPattern -> CPattern   
Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.
updQNamesInCStatement :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CStatement -> CStatement   
Updates all qualified names in a statement.
vir :: ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   
updQNamesInCExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CExpr -> CExpr   
getPosExp :: CExpr -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Exported datatypes:


Renames a Curry module, i.e., updates the module name and all qualified names in a program.

Type synonym: Update a b = (b -> b) -> a -> a

Exported operations:

trCProg :: (String -> [String] -> [CTypeDecl] -> [CFuncDecl] -> [COpDecl] -> a) -> CurryProg -> a   

Transforms an AbstractCurry program.

trCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [CConsDecl] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> CConsDecl -> a) -> CTypeDecl -> a   

Transforms a type declaration.

trCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [CTypeExpr] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> [CFieldDecl] -> a) -> CConsDecl -> a   

Transforms a constructor declaration.

trCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CVisibility -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> CFieldDecl -> a   

Transforms a constructor declaration.

trCTypeExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> CTypeExpr -> a   

Transforms a type expression.

trCOpDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> CFixity -> Int -> a) -> COpDecl -> a   

Transforms an operator declaration.

trCFuncDecl :: (String -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> Int -> CVisibility -> CTypeExpr -> [CRule] -> a) -> CFuncDecl -> a   

Transforms a function declaration

trCRule :: ([CPattern] -> CRhs -> a) -> CRule -> a   

Transform a rule.

trCRhs :: (CExpr -> [CLocalDecl] -> a) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)] -> [CLocalDecl] -> a) -> CRhs -> a   

Transforms a right-hand side (of a rule or case expression).

trCLocalDecl :: (CFuncDecl -> a) -> (CPattern -> CRhs -> a) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> a) -> CLocalDecl -> a   

Transforms a local declaration.

trCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> (CLiteral -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [a] -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> CPattern -> a   

Transforms a pattern.

trExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> a) -> (CLiteral -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> a) -> (a -> a -> a) -> ([CPattern] -> a -> a) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> a -> a) -> ([CStatement] -> a) -> (a -> [CStatement] -> a) -> (CCaseType -> a -> [(CPattern,CRhs)] -> a) -> (a -> CTypeExpr -> a) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> (a -> [((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String),a)] -> a) -> CExpr -> a   

Transforms an expression.

trCStatement :: (CExpr -> a) -> (CPattern -> CExpr -> a) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> a) -> CStatement -> a   

Transforms a statement (occuring in do expressions or list comprehensions).

typesOfCurryProg :: CurryProg -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

Extracts all type names occurring in a program.

typesOfCTypeDecl :: CTypeDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

Extracts all type names occurring in a type declaration.

typesOfConsDecl :: CConsDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

typesOfFieldDecl :: CFieldDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

typesOfTypeExpr :: CTypeExpr -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

typesOfCFuncDecl :: CFuncDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfCurryProg :: CurryProg -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

Extracts all function (and constructor) names occurring in a program.

funcsOfCTypeDecl :: CTypeDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfConsDecl :: CConsDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfFieldDecl :: CFieldDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfCFuncDecl :: CFuncDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

Extracts all function (and constructor) names occurring in a function declaration.

funcsOfCRule :: CRule -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfCRhs :: CRhs -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfLDecl :: CLocalDecl -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfExpr :: CExpr -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

funcsOfStat :: CStatement -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)]   

renameCurryModule :: String -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   

updCProg :: (String -> String) -> ([String] -> [String]) -> ([CTypeDecl] -> [CTypeDecl]) -> ([CFuncDecl] -> [CFuncDecl]) -> ([COpDecl] -> [COpDecl]) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   

Updates an AbstractCurry program.

updCProgName :: (String -> String) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   

updCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)]) -> ([CConsDecl] -> [CConsDecl]) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> (CConsDecl -> CConsDecl) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   

update type declaration

getPosType :: CTypeDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updCTypeDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   

Updates the name of a type declaration.

updCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> ([CTypeExpr] -> [CTypeExpr]) -> ([CFieldDecl] -> [CFieldDecl]) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   

Updates a constructor declaration.

getPosCons :: CConsDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updCConsDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   

Updates the name of a constructor declaration.

updCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   

update constructor declaration

updCFieldDeclName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   

Updates the name of a constructor declaration.

updTConsApp :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> [CTypeExpr] -> CTypeExpr) -> CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr   

Updates all type constructor applications in a type expression.

updCOpDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (CFixity -> CFixity) -> (Int -> Int) -> COpDecl -> COpDecl   

Updates an operator declaration.

updCOpName :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> COpDecl -> COpDecl   

Updates the name of an operator declaration.

updCFuncDecl :: (String -> String) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> (Int -> Int) -> (CVisibility -> CVisibility) -> (CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr) -> ([CRule] -> [CRule]) -> CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl   

Updates a function declaration.

getPosFunc :: CFuncDecl -> Maybe ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updCRule :: ([CPattern] -> [CPattern]) -> (CRhs -> CRhs) -> CRule -> CRule   

Update a rule.

updCRhs :: (CExpr -> CExpr) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),CExpr,CExpr)]) -> ([CLocalDecl] -> [CLocalDecl]) -> CRhs -> CRhs   

Updates right-hand side.

updCLocalDecl :: (CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl) -> (CPattern -> CPattern) -> (CRhs -> CRhs) -> ([(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)] -> [(((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)]) -> CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl   

Updates a local declaration.

getPos :: CLocalDecl -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),Int,String)) -> (CLiteral -> CLiteral) -> ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CPattern -> CPattern   

Updates a pattern.

getPosPat :: CPattern -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updCStatement :: (CExpr -> CExpr) -> (CPattern -> CPattern) -> (CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl) -> CStatement -> CStatement   

Updates a statement (occuring in do expressions or list comprehensions).

getPosStat :: CStatement -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updQNamesInCProg :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CurryProg -> CurryProg   

Updates all qualified names in a Curry program.

updQNamesInCTypeDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeDecl -> CTypeDecl   

Updates all qualified names in a type declaration.

updQNamesInCConsDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CConsDecl -> CConsDecl   

Updates all qualified names in a constructor declaration.

updQNamesInCFieldDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFieldDecl -> CFieldDecl   

Updates all qualified names in a record field declaration.

updQNamesInCTypeExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CTypeExpr -> CTypeExpr   

Updates all qualified names in a type expression.

updQNamesInCFuncDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CFuncDecl -> CFuncDecl   

Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.

updQNamesInCRule :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CRule -> CRule   

Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.

updQNamesInCRhs :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CRhs -> CRhs   

Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.

updQNamesInCLocalDecl :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CLocalDecl -> CLocalDecl   

Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.

updQNamesInCPattern :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CPattern -> CPattern   

Updates all qualified names in a function declaration.

updQNamesInCStatement :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CStatement -> CStatement   

Updates all qualified names in a statement.

vir :: ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

updQNamesInCExpr :: ((((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String) -> (((Int,Int),(Int,Int)),String,String)) -> CExpr -> CExpr   

getPosExp :: CExpr -> ((Int,Int),(Int,Int))   

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions