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------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- Library for representation of unification on first-order terms. --- --- This library implements a unification algorithm using reference tables. --- --- @author Michael Hanus, Jan-Hendrik Matthes, Jonas Oberschweiber, --- Bjoern Peemoeller --- @version August 2016 --- @category algorithm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module Rewriting.Unification ( UnificationError (..) , showUnificationError, unify, unifiable ) where import Data.Either (isRight) import Data.List (mapAccumL) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Rewriting.Substitution (Subst, emptySubst, extendSubst) import Rewriting.Term (VarIdx, Term (..), TermEq, TermEqs) import Rewriting.UnificationSpec (UnificationError (..), showUnificationError) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Representation of internal data structures -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- An `RTerm` is the unification algorithm's internal term representation. --- Its `RTermVar` and `RTermCons` constructors are similar to the `TermVar` --- and `TermCons` constructors of the original `Term` data type, but it has --- an additional `Ref` constructor. This `Ref` constructor is used to --- represent references into a reference table. data RTerm f = Ref VarIdx | RTermVar VarIdx | RTermCons f [RTerm f] deriving (Eq, Show) --- A reference table used to store the values referenced by `Ref` terms --- represented as a finite map from variables to `RTerm`s and parameterized --- over the kind of function symbols, e.g., strings. type RefTable f = Map.Map VarIdx (RTerm f) --- An `RTerm` equation represented as a pair of `RTerm`s and parameterized --- over the kind of function symbols, e.g., strings. type REq f = (RTerm f, RTerm f) --- Multiple `RTerm` equations represented as a list of `RTerm` equations and --- parameterized over the kind of function symbols, e.g., strings. type REqs f = [REq f] -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Definition of exported functions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Unifies a list of term equations. Returns either a unification error or a --- substitution. unify :: Eq f => TermEqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (Subst f) unify eqs = let (rt, reqs) = termEqsToREqs eqs in either Left (\(rt', reqs') -> Right (eqsToSubst rt' reqs')) (unify' rt [] reqs) --- Checks whether a list of term equations can be unified. unifiable :: Eq f => TermEqs f -> Bool unifiable = isRight . unify -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion to internal structure -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Converts a list of term equations into a list of `RTerm` equations and --- places references into a fresh reference table. termEqsToREqs :: TermEqs f -> (RefTable f, REqs f) termEqsToREqs = mapAccumL termEqToREq Map.empty --- Converts a term equation into an `RTerm` equation. The given reference --- table is used to store references. termEqToREq :: RefTable f -> TermEq f -> (RefTable f, REq f) termEqToREq rt (l, r) = let (rt1, l') = termToRTerm rt l (rt2, r') = termToRTerm rt1 r in (rt2, (l', r')) --- Converts a term to an `RTerm`, placing all variable terms in the given --- reference table and replacing them by references inside the result --- `RTerm`. termToRTerm :: RefTable f -> Term f -> (RefTable f, RTerm f) termToRTerm rt (TermVar v) = (Map.insert v (RTermVar v) rt, Ref v) termToRTerm rt (TermCons c ts) = let (rt', ts') = mapAccumL termToRTerm rt ts in (rt', RTermCons c ts') -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Conversion from internal structure -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Converts a list of `RTerm` equations to a substitution by turning every --- equation of the form `(RTermVar v, t)` or `(t, RTermVar v)` into a mapping --- `(v, t)`. Equations that do not have a variable term on either side are --- ignored. Works on `RTerm`s, dereferences all `Ref`s. eqsToSubst :: RefTable f -> REqs f -> Subst f eqsToSubst _ [] = emptySubst eqsToSubst rt ((l, r):eqs) = case l of (Ref _) -> eqsToSubst rt ((deref rt l, r):eqs) (RTermVar v) -> extendSubst (eqsToSubst rt eqs) v (rTermToTerm rt r) (RTermCons _ _) -> case r of (Ref _) -> eqsToSubst rt ((l, deref rt r):eqs) (RTermVar v) -> extendSubst (eqsToSubst rt eqs) v (rTermToTerm rt l) _ -> eqsToSubst rt eqs --- Converts an `RTerm` to a term by dereferencing all references inside the --- `RTerm`. The given reference table is used for reference lookups. rTermToTerm :: RefTable f -> RTerm f -> Term f rTermToTerm rt t@(Ref _) = rTermToTerm rt (deref rt t) rTermToTerm _ (RTermVar v) = TermVar v rTermToTerm rt (RTermCons c ts) = TermCons c (map (rTermToTerm rt) ts) --- Dereferences an `RTerm` by following chained references. Simply returns --- the same value for `RTermVar` and `RTermCons`. The given reference table --- is used for reference lookups. deref :: RefTable f -> RTerm f -> RTerm f deref rt (Ref i) = case Map.lookup i rt of Nothing -> error ("deref: " ++ (show i)) (Just t) -> case t of (Ref _) -> deref rt t (RTermVar _) -> t (RTermCons _ _) -> t deref _ t@(RTermVar _) = t deref _ t@(RTermCons _ _) = t -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Unification algorithm -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Internal unification function, the core of the algorithm. unify' :: Eq f => RefTable f -> REqs f -> REqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (RefTable f, REqs f) -- No equations left, we are done. unify' rt sub [] = Right (rt, sub) unify' rt sub (eq@(l, r):eqs) = case eq of -- Substitute the variable by the constructor term. (RTermVar v, RTermCons _ _) -> elim rt sub v r eqs (RTermCons _ _, RTermVar v) -> elim rt sub v l eqs -- If both variables are equal, simply remove the equation. -- Otherwise substitute the first variable by the second variable. (RTermVar v, RTermVar v') | v == v' -> unify' rt sub eqs | otherwise -> elim rt sub v r eqs -- If both constructors have the same name, equate their arguments. -- Otherwise fail with a clash. (RTermCons c1 ts1, RTermCons c2 ts2) | c1 == c2 -> unify' rt sub ((zip ts1 ts2) ++ eqs) | otherwise -> Left (Clash (rTermToTerm rt l) (rTermToTerm rt r)) -- If we encounter a Ref, simply dereference it and try again. _ -> unify' rt sub ((deref rt l, deref rt r):eqs) --- Substitutes a variable by a term inside a list of equations that have --- yet to be unified and the right-hand sides of all equations of the result --- list. Also adds a mapping from that variable to that term to the result --- list. elim :: Eq f => RefTable f -> REqs f -> VarIdx -> RTerm f -> REqs f -> Either (UnificationError f) (RefTable f, REqs f) elim rt sub v t eqs | dependsOn rt (RTermVar v) t = Left (OccurCheck v (rTermToTerm rt t)) | otherwise = case t of (Ref _) -> error "elim" -- Make sure to place a Ref in the reference table and substitution, -- not the RTermVar itself. (RTermVar v') -> let rt' = Map.insert v (Ref v') rt in unify' rt' ((RTermVar v, Ref v'):sub) eqs (RTermCons _ _) -> unify' (Map.insert v t rt) ((RTermVar v, t):sub) eqs --- Checks whether the first term occurs as a subterm of the second term. dependsOn :: Eq f => RefTable f -> RTerm f -> RTerm f -> Bool dependsOn rt l r = (l /= r) && (dependsOn' r) where dependsOn' x@(Ref _) = (deref rt x) == l dependsOn' t@(RTermVar _) = l == t dependsOn' (RTermCons _ ts) = or (map dependsOn' ts) |