Module FlatCurry.CaseCompletion

This module contains an implementation of case completion, i.e., all case expressions occurring in a FlatCurry program are completed (with calls to Prelude.failed) and ordered according to the constructor ordering of the corresponding data definitions.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: January 2020

Summary of exported operations:

typeOfConstructor :: CaseOptions -> (String,String) -> ((String,String),[((String,String),Int)])   
completeProg :: CaseOptions -> Prog -> Prog   
Complete all nested cases in a FlatCurry program.
completeFun :: CaseOptions -> FuncDecl -> FuncDecl   
Complete all nested cases in a FlatCurry function.
completeRule :: CaseOptions -> Rule -> Rule   
completeExp :: CaseOptions -> Expr -> Expr   
allConsProg :: Prog -> [(String,String)]   
Get all constructors occurring in case expressions in a FlatCurry program.
allConsFun :: FuncDecl -> [(String,String)]   
AllCons all nested cases in a FlatCurry function.
allConsExp :: Expr -> [(String,String)]   
unionMap :: Eq a => (b -> [a]) -> [b] -> [a]   
dataDeclsOf :: Prog -> [((String,String),[((String,String),Int)])]   
Get all data types (pairs of type name and list of constructor names and arities) in a given FlatCurry program.

Exported datatypes:


Type to represent algebraic data declarations (pair of type name and list of constructor names and arities).

Type synonym: DataDecl = (QName,[(QName,Int)])


Options for case completion.


Exported operations:

typeOfConstructor :: CaseOptions -> (String,String) -> ((String,String),[((String,String),Int)])   

completeProg :: CaseOptions -> Prog -> Prog   

Complete all nested cases in a FlatCurry program.

completeFun :: CaseOptions -> FuncDecl -> FuncDecl   

Complete all nested cases in a FlatCurry function.

completeExp :: CaseOptions -> Expr -> Expr   

allConsProg :: Prog -> [(String,String)]   

Get all constructors occurring in case expressions in a FlatCurry program.

allConsFun :: FuncDecl -> [(String,String)]   

AllCons all nested cases in a FlatCurry function.

allConsExp :: Expr -> [(String,String)]   

unionMap :: Eq a => (b -> [a]) -> [b] -> [a]   

dataDeclsOf :: Prog -> [((String,String),[((String,String),Int)])]   

Get all data types (pairs of type name and list of constructor names and arities) in a given FlatCurry program.