categories: |
Programming |
dependencies: |
[] |
documentation: |
Curry Base Libraries ==================== This repository contains the standard libraries of Curry distributions like [PAKCS](, [KiCS2](, or [Curry2Go]( The libraries in this package can be used in these Curry systems without the Curry Package Manager. Since the structure of this base repository is similar to other Curry packages, the dependency on a specific version of the base libraries can be specified in other Curry packages. |
exportedmodules: |
Numeric Prelude Data.Either Data.Maybe Data.List Data.IORef Data.Char Data.Function Data.Functor.Const Data.Functor.Compose Data.Functor.Identity System.IO System.CPUTime System.Environment System.Console.GetOpt System.IO.Unsafe Test.Prop Test.Prop.Types Control.Monad Control.Applicative Control.Search.AllValues Control.Search.SearchTree Control.Search.Unsafe Control.Search.SetFunctions Curry.Compiler.Distribution Debug.Trace Text.Show |
modules: |
Numeric Prelude Data.Either Data.Maybe Data.List Data.IORef Data.Char Data.Function Data.Functor.Const Data.Functor.Compose Data.Functor.Identity System.IO System.CPUTime System.Environment System.Console.GetOpt System.IO.Unsafe Test.Prop Test.Prop.Types Control.Monad Control.Applicative Control.Search.AllValues Control.Search.SearchTree Control.Search.Unsafe Control.Search.SetFunctions Curry.Compiler.Distribution Debug.Trace Text.Show |
version: |
3.3.0 |