[Dependency "base" [[VGte "3.0.0",VLt "4.0.0"]],Dependency "currypath" [[VGte "3.0.0",VLt "4.0.0"]],Dependency "io-extra" [[VGte "3.0.0",VLt "4.0.0"]],Dependency "propertyfile" [[VGte "3.0.0",VLt "4.0.0"]]]
graphviz: Visualize graphs
This package contains libraries to visualize graphs with
The library `Data.GraphViz` provides constructors to be
used to generate graphs. The directory `examples` contains
example graphs defined with this library.
There is also a convenient operation `Data.GraphViz.viewDotGraph`
to visualize a graph with the `dotviewcommand` specified in
the rc file of the Curry system.
Thus, this operation looks up the value of the `dotviewcommand` field
in the rc file (e.g., `~/.pakcsrc` in case of PAKCS) and passes
the text of specified graph to this command.
Here are some reasonable settings of this field:
dotviewcommand=dot -Tpdf > /tmp/dotxxx.pdf && xdg-open /tmp/dotxxx.pdf
dotviewcommand=neato -Tpdf > /tmp/dotxxx.pdf && xdg-open /tmp/dotxxx.pdf
dotviewcommand=circo -Tpdf > /tmp/dotxxx.pdf && xdg-open /tmp/dotxxx.pdf
dotviewcommand=fdp -Tpdf > /tmp/dotxxx.pdf && xdg-open /tmp/dotxxx.pdf