Module BPMNParser

This module contains the implementation of a direct mapping from hypergraphs to Grappa parsers. This shows that parsers resemble grammars very closely. This principle is used in the actual BPMN to BPEL transformation implemented in the module BPMN2BPEL.

Summary of exported operations:

process :: [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 
flow :: (Int,Int) -> [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 
flElem :: (Int,Int) -> [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 
ex_sm :: [(String,[Int])]  Deterministic 
An example of a small hypergraph.

Exported operations:

process :: [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 

flow :: (Int,Int) -> [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 

flElem :: (Int,Int) -> [(String,[Int])] -> ((),[(String,[Int])])  Non-deterministic 

ex_sm :: [(String,[Int])]  Deterministic 

An example of a small hypergraph.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions