Module Analysis.UnsafeModule

An analysis which returns information whether a module is unsafe, i.e., it imports directly or indirectly the module System.IO.Unsafe or related unsafe modules.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: February 2025

Summary of exported operations:

unsafeModuleAnalysis :: Analysis [String]  Deterministic 
This analysis associates to a module the list of the names of all modules which directly imports the module Unsafe.
showUnsafe :: AOutFormat -> [String] -> String  Deterministic 

Exported operations:

unsafeModuleAnalysis :: Analysis [String]  Deterministic 

This analysis associates to a module the list of the names of all modules which directly imports the module Unsafe. Such modules might hide dangerous operations in purely functional operations. Thus, a module is safe if the analysis result is the empty list.

showUnsafe :: AOutFormat -> [String] -> String  Deterministic