Module Analysis.Values

An analysis to approximate the result values of operations in a Curry program. This analysis is parametric over a domain approximating data terms, as defined in the library Analysis.TermDomain, like a domain of outermost (top-level) constructors or depth-bounded terms.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: October 2023

Summary of exported operations:

showValue :: TermDomain a => AOutFormat -> a -> String  Deterministic 
resultValueAnalysisTop :: Analysis AType  Deterministic 
Result value analysis for the top-constructor domain.
resultValueAnalysis2 :: Analysis DType2  Deterministic 
Result value analysis for the depth-2 term domain.
resultValueAnalysis5 :: Analysis DType5  Deterministic 
Result value analysis for the depth-5 term domain.

Exported operations:

showValue :: TermDomain a => AOutFormat -> a -> String  Deterministic 

resultValueAnalysisTop :: Analysis AType  Deterministic 

Result value analysis for the top-constructor domain.

resultValueAnalysis2 :: Analysis DType2  Deterministic 

Result value analysis for the depth-2 term domain.

resultValueAnalysis5 :: Analysis DType5  Deterministic 

Result value analysis for the depth-5 term domain.