Some auxiliary operations to deal with executables (system commands) used by CPM.
:: ErrorLogger () Check whether all operating system executables required by CPM are present on the current system. |
:: ErrorLogger (String,[String]) Returns the curl
command (first component of the result)
together with some standard options.
:: ErrorLogger String Returns the curl
command with some standard options as a string.
:: Config -> ErrorLogger (Maybe String) Returns the curry-check
command, either from the current path
or from CPM's bin directory, or Nothing
if it does not exist.
:: Config -> ErrorLogger String Returns the curry-doc
command, either from the current path
or from CPM's bin directory.
Check whether all operating system executables required by CPM are present
on the current system.
Since this takes some time, it is only checked with CPM's |
Returns the |
Returns the |
Returns the |
Returns the |