Module CPM.Repository.RepositoryDB

This file has been generated from


and contains definitions for all entities and relations specified in this model.

Summary of exported operations:

sqliteDBFile :: String  Deterministic 
The name of the SQLite database file.
indexEntry_CDBI_Description :: EntityDescription IndexEntry  Deterministic 
The ER description of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryTable :: String  Deterministic 
The database table of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnKey :: Column IndexEntryID  Deterministic 
The database column Key of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnName :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column Name of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnVersion :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column Version of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnDependencies :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnCompilerCompatibility :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnSynopsis :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnCategory :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column Category of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnSourceDirs :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnExportedModules :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryColumnExecutableSpec :: Column String  Deterministic 
The database column ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryKeyColDesc :: ColumnDescription IndexEntryID  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Key of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryNameColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Name of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryVersionColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Version of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryDependenciesColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryCompilerCompatibilityColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntrySynopsisColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryCategoryColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column Category of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntrySourceDirsColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryExportedModulesColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryExecutableSpecColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 
The description of the database column ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Key of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Name of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Version of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute Category of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Gets the attribute ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Key of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Name of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Version of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute Category of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.
setIndexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Sets the attribute ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.
indexEntryID :: IndexEntryID -> Value IndexEntryID  Deterministic 
id-to-value function for entity IndexEntry.
indexEntryKeyToInt :: IndexEntryID -> Int  Deterministic 
id-to-int function for entity IndexEntry.
showIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 
Shows the key of a IndexEntry entity as a string.
readIndexEntryKey :: String -> Maybe IndexEntryID  Deterministic 
Transforms a string into a key of a IndexEntry entity.
queryAllIndexEntrys :: DBAction [IndexEntry]  Deterministic 
Gets all IndexEntry entities.
queryCondIndexEntry :: (IndexEntry -> Bool) -> DBAction [IndexEntry]  Deterministic 
Gets all IndexEntry entities satisfying a given predicate.
getIndexEntry :: IndexEntryID -> DBAction IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Gets a IndexEntry entry by a given key.
newIndexEntry :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> DBAction IndexEntry  Deterministic 
Inserts a new IndexEntry entity.
deleteIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> DBAction ()  Deterministic 
Deletes an existing IndexEntry entry by its key.
updateIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> DBAction ()  Deterministic 
Updates an existing IndexEntry entry by its key.
createNewDB :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 
Generates a new database (name provided as the parameter) and creates its schema.
saveDBTo :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 
Saves complete database as term files into an existing directory provided as a parameter.
restoreDBFrom :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 
Restores complete database from term files which are stored in a directory provided as a parameter.
runQ :: DBAction a -> IO a  Deterministic 
Runs a DB action (typically a query).
runT :: DBAction a -> IO (Either DBError a)  Deterministic 
Runs a DB action as a transaction.
runJustT :: DBAction a -> IO a  Deterministic 
Runs a DB action as a transaction.

Exported datatypes:



  • IndexEntry :: IndexEntryID -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> IndexEntry



  • IndexEntryID :: Int -> IndexEntryID

Exported operations:

sqliteDBFile :: String  Deterministic 

The name of the SQLite database file.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntry_CDBI_Description :: EntityDescription IndexEntry  Deterministic 

The ER description of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryTable :: String  Deterministic 

The database table of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnKey :: Column IndexEntryID  Deterministic 

The database column Key of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnName :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column Name of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnVersion :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column Version of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnDependencies :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnCompilerCompatibility :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnSynopsis :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnCategory :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column Category of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnSourceDirs :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnExportedModules :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryColumnExecutableSpec :: Column String  Deterministic 

The database column ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryKeyColDesc :: ColumnDescription IndexEntryID  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Key of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryNameColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Name of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryVersionColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Version of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryDependenciesColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryCompilerCompatibilityColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntrySynopsisColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryCategoryColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column Category of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntrySourceDirsColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryExportedModulesColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryExecutableSpecColDesc :: ColumnDescription String  Deterministic 

The description of the database column ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Key of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Name of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Version of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute Category of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Gets the attribute ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> IndexEntryID -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Key of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryName :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Name of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryVersion :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Version of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryDependencies :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Dependencies of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryCompilerCompatibility :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute CompilerCompatibility of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntrySynopsis :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Synopsis of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryCategory :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute Category of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntrySourceDirs :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute SourceDirs of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryExportedModules :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute ExportedModules of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

setIndexEntryExecutableSpec :: IndexEntry -> String -> IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Sets the attribute ExecutableSpec of the IndexEntry entity.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryID :: IndexEntryID -> Value IndexEntryID  Deterministic 

id-to-value function for entity IndexEntry.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

indexEntryKeyToInt :: IndexEntryID -> Int  Deterministic 

id-to-int function for entity IndexEntry.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

showIndexEntryKey :: IndexEntry -> String  Deterministic 

Shows the key of a IndexEntry entity as a string. This is useful if a textual representation of the key is necessary (e.g., as URL parameters in web pages), but it should no be used to store keys in other attributes!

readIndexEntryKey :: String -> Maybe IndexEntryID  Deterministic 

Transforms a string into a key of a IndexEntry entity. Nothing is returned if the string does not represent a meaningful key.

queryAllIndexEntrys :: DBAction [IndexEntry]  Deterministic 

Gets all IndexEntry entities.

queryCondIndexEntry :: (IndexEntry -> Bool) -> DBAction [IndexEntry]  Deterministic 

Gets all IndexEntry entities satisfying a given predicate.

getIndexEntry :: IndexEntryID -> DBAction IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Gets a IndexEntry entry by a given key.

newIndexEntry :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> DBAction IndexEntry  Deterministic 

Inserts a new IndexEntry entity.

deleteIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> DBAction ()  Deterministic 

Deletes an existing IndexEntry entry by its key.

updateIndexEntry :: IndexEntry -> DBAction ()  Deterministic 

Updates an existing IndexEntry entry by its key.

createNewDB :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 

Generates a new database (name provided as the parameter) and creates its schema.

saveDBTo :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 

Saves complete database as term files into an existing directory provided as a parameter.

restoreDBFrom :: String -> IO ()  Deterministic 

Restores complete database from term files which are stored in a directory provided as a parameter.

runQ :: DBAction a -> IO a  Deterministic 

Runs a DB action (typically a query).

runT :: DBAction a -> IO (Either DBError a)  Deterministic 

Runs a DB action as a transaction.

runJustT :: DBAction a -> IO a  Deterministic 

Runs a DB action as a transaction. Emits an error in case of failure.