Module REPL.Compiler

Definition of the parameters which must be defined to implement a REPL for a given Curry compiler.

These parameters might be read at startup time (e.g., from a JSON file) or statically defined in some module.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: July 2021

Summary of exported operations:

showCompilerOptions :: [CCOption] -> [(String,String)]  Deterministic 

Exported datatypes:


Data type for the specification of a Curry compiler invoked by the REPL. It contains the following components:

  • The name ccName should be a sequence of alphanumeric characters and is used for naming resource files, main modules etc.
  • The version ccVersion of the compiler is used by the front end and determines auxiliary directory names.
  • The banner ccBanner is shown at start up (if verbosity is not quiet).
  • ccHome is the home directory of the compiler. This directory should contain a file <ccName>rc.default with the template for a resource configuration file. This file is copied into the user's home directory (if it does not exist) or updated (when the variables in the template have been changed).
  • ccFrontend is the executable of the Curry front end.
  • ccExec is the executable of the Curry compiler.
  • ccLibPath is the path (possibly several directies) containing the base libraries of the Curry compiler. This path will be appended to an existing load path (specified by the envrionment variable CURRYPATH).
  • ccTypedFC should be set to Nothing if the (re)load command should compile the main program. Otherwise, the main program is only parsed with the front end where Just True indicates that the front end should produce Typed FlatCurry files instead of FlatCurry files (in case of Just False).
  • If ccCurryPath is True, then the actual load path is passed by the environment variable CURRYPATH to the compiler, otherwise it is passed by a sequence of options of the form -iDIR.
  • ccVerbOpt maps the actual verbosity to the compiler option to pass the verbosity to the compiler command.
  • ccParseOpt maps the actual parser options to the compiler option to pass further parser options.
  • ccCmplOpt maps the module name to the compiler option to compile a module without creating an executable.
  • ccExecOpt maps the module name to the compiler option to compile a module and create an executable having the same name as the module.
  • ccCleanCmd maps the module name to the system command which removes the module and all generated intermediate files.
  • ccOpts is the list of additional options supported by the compiler.


  • CCDescription :: String -> (Int,Int,Int) -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> String -> (Maybe Bool) -> Bool -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> (String -> String) -> [CCOption] -> CCDescription


    • ccName :: String
    • ccVersion :: (Int,Int,Int)
    • ccBanner :: String
    • ccHome :: String
    • ccEmail :: String
    • ccFrontend :: String
    • ccExec :: String
    • ccLibPath :: String
    • ccTypedFC :: (Maybe Bool)
    • ccCurryPath :: Bool
    • ccVerbOpt :: (String -> String)
    • ccParseOpt :: (String -> String)
    • ccCmplOpt :: (String -> String)
    • ccExecOpt :: (String -> String)
    • ccCleanCmd :: (String -> String)
    • ccOpts :: [CCOption]


An option implemented by a Curry compiler. It consists a short and long description and a list of selections, where each selection consists of a tag and the option passed to the compiler if this value is selected. All tags of an option are exclusive, i.e., at most one of them can be set.


  • CCOption :: String -> String -> [(String,String)] -> CCOption

Exported operations:

showCompilerOptions :: [CCOption] -> [(String,String)]  Deterministic