Module Curry.ExactPrint

Summary of exported operations:

ppTool :: Maybe Tool -> String -> String  Deterministic 
ppInfix :: Infix -> String  Deterministic 
ppLit :: Literal -> String  Deterministic 
qidOp :: InfixOp a -> QualIdent  Deterministic 
printQualIdent :: QualIdent -> EPSM ()  Deterministic 
For the unit type (), the span information for the qualified identifier is missing, but the span information for the parentheses is stored in the outer SpanInfo (e.g., of a surrounding ConstructorType).

Exported operations:

ppTool :: Maybe Tool -> String -> String  Deterministic 

ppInfix :: Infix -> String  Deterministic 

ppLit :: Literal -> String  Deterministic 

qidOp :: InfixOp a -> QualIdent  Deterministic 

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

printQualIdent :: QualIdent -> EPSM ()  Deterministic 

For the unit type (), the span information for the qualified identifier is missing, but the span information for the parentheses is stored in the outer SpanInfo (e.g., of a surrounding ConstructorType). In this case, we must not print the qualified identifier, but an empty string. Because the span information is part of the surrounding structure, the unit constructor () must be printed using the keywords function, instead.