Module Data.GraphInductive

Library for inductive graphs (port of a Haskell library by Martin Erwig).

In this library, graphs are composed and decomposed in an inductive way.

The key idea is as follows:

A graph is either empty or it consists of node context and a graph g' which are put together by a constructor (:&).

This constructor (:&), however, is not a constructor in the sense of abstract data type, but more basically a defined constructing funtion.

A context is a node together withe the edges to and from this node into the nodes in the graph g'.

For examples of how to use this library, cf. the module GraphAlgorithms.

Author: Bernd Brassel

Version: July 2021

Summary of exported operations:

(:&) :: Show a => ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
(:&) takes a node-context and a Graph and yields a new graph.
matchAny :: Graph a b -> (([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]),Graph a b)  Deterministic 
decompose a graph into the Context for an arbitrarily-chosen Node and the remaining Graph.
empty :: Graph a b  Deterministic 
An empty Graph.
mkGraph :: Show a => [(Int,a)] -> [(Int,Int,b)] -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Create a Graph from the list of LNodes and LEdges.
buildGr :: Show a => [([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)])] -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Build a Graph from a list of Contexts.
mkUGraph :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> Graph () ()  Deterministic 
Build a quasi-unlabeled Graph from the list of Nodes and Edges.
insNode :: Show a => (Int,a) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Insert a LNode into the Graph.
insEdge :: Show a => (Int,Int,b) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Insert a LEdge into the Graph.
delNode :: Int -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Remove a Node from the Graph.
delEdge :: Show a => (Int,Int) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Remove an Edge from the Graph.
insNodes :: Show a => [(Int,a)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Insert multiple LNodes into the Graph.
insEdges :: Show a => [(Int,Int,b)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Insert multiple LEdges into the Graph.
delNodes :: [Int] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Remove multiple Nodes from the Graph.
delEdges :: Show a => [(Int,Int)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 
Remove multiple Edges from the Graph.
isEmpty :: Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 
test if the given Graph is empty.
match :: Int -> Graph a b -> (Maybe ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]),Graph a b)  Deterministic 
match is the complement side of (:&), decomposing a Graph into the MContext found for the given node and the remaining Graph.
noNodes :: Graph a b -> Int  Deterministic 
The number of Nodes in a Graph.
nodeRange :: Graph a b -> (Int,Int)  Deterministic 
The minimum and maximum Node in a Graph.
context :: Graph a b -> Int -> ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)])  Deterministic 
Find the context for the given Node.
lab :: Graph a b -> Int -> Maybe a  Deterministic 
Find the label for a Node.
neighbors :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 
Find the neighbors for a Node.
suc :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 
Find all Nodes that have a link from the given Node.
pre :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 
Find all Nodes that link to to the given Node.
lsuc :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,b)]  Deterministic 
Find all Nodes and their labels, which are linked from the given Node.
lpre :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,b)]  Deterministic 
Find all Nodes that link to the given Node and the label of each link.
out :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 
Find all outward-bound LEdges for the given Node.
inn :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 
Find all inward-bound LEdges for the given Node.
outdeg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 
The outward-bound degree of the Node.
indeg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 
The inward-bound degree of the Node.
deg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 
The degree of the Node.
gelem :: Int -> Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 
True if the Node is present in the Graph.
equal :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Graph a b -> Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 
graph equality
node' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 
The Node in a Context.
lab' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> b  Deterministic 
The label in a Context.
labNode' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> (Int,b)  Deterministic 
The LNode from a Context.
neighbors' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 
All Nodes linked to or from in a Context.
suc' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 
All Nodes linked to in a Context.
pre' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 
All Nodes linked from in a Context.
lpre' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 
All Nodes linked from in a Context, and the label of the links.
lsuc' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 
All Nodes linked from in a Context, and the label of the links.
out' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,Int,a)]  Deterministic 
All outward-directed LEdges in a Context.
inn' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,Int,a)]  Deterministic 
All inward-directed LEdges in a Context.
outdeg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 
The outward degree of a Context.
indeg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 
The inward degree of a Context.
deg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 
The degree of a Context.
labNodes :: Graph a b -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 
A list of all LNodes in the Graph.
labEdges :: Graph a b -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 
A list of all LEdges in the Graph.
nodes :: Graph a b -> [Int]  Deterministic 
List all Nodes in the Graph.
edges :: Graph a b -> [(Int,Int)]  Deterministic 
List all Edges in the Graph.
newNodes :: Int -> Graph a b -> [Int]  Deterministic 
List N available Nodes, ie Nodes that are not used in the Graph.
ufold :: (([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> c -> c) -> c -> Graph b a -> c  Deterministic 
Fold a function over the graph.
gmap :: Show a => (([(b,Int)],Int,c,[(b,Int)]) -> ([(d,Int)],Int,a,[(d,Int)])) -> Graph c b -> Graph a d  Deterministic 
Map a function over the graph.
nmap :: Show a => (b -> a) -> Graph b c -> Graph a c  Deterministic 
Map a function over the Node labels in a graph.
emap :: Show a => (b -> c) -> Graph a b -> Graph a c  Deterministic 
Map a function over the Edge labels in a graph.
labUEdges :: [(a,b)] -> [(a,b,())]  Deterministic 
add label () to list of edges (node,node)
labUNodes :: [a] -> [(a,())]  Deterministic 
add label () to list of nodes
showGraph :: (Show a, Show b) => Graph a b -> String  Deterministic 
Represent Graph as String

Exported datatypes:


The type variables of Graph are inodeLabel/i and iedgeLabel/i. The internal representation of Graph is hidden.



Nodes and edges themselves (in contrast to their labels) are coded as integers.

For both of them, there are variants as labeled, unlabelwd and quasi unlabeled (labeled with ()).

Unlabeled node

Type synonym: Node = Int


Labeled node

Type synonym: LNode a = (Node,a)


Quasi-unlabeled node

Type synonym: UNode = LNode ()


Unlabeled edge

Type synonym: Edge = (Node,Node)


Labeled edge

Type synonym: LEdge a = (Node,Node,a)


Quasi-unlabeled edge

Type synonym: UEdge = LEdge ()


The context of a node is the node itself (along with label) and its adjacent nodes. Thus, a context is a quadrupel, for node n it is of the form (edges to n,node n,n's label,edges from n)

Type synonym: Context a b = (Adj b,Node,a,Adj b)


maybe context

Type synonym: MContext a b = Maybe (Context a b)


context with edges and node label only, without the node identifier itself

Type synonym: Context' a b = (Adj b,a,Adj b)


Unlabeled context.

Type synonym: UContext = ([Node],Node,[Node])


A graph decompostion is a context for a node n and the remaining graph without that node.

Type synonym: GDecomp a b = (Context a b,Graph a b)


a decomposition with a maybe context

Type synonym: Decomp a b = (MContext a b,Graph a b)


Unlabeled decomposition.

Type synonym: UDecomp a = (Maybe UContext,a)


Unlabeled path

Type synonym: Path = [Node]


Labeled path

Type synonym: LPath a = [LNode a]


Quasi-unlabeled path

Type synonym: UPath = [UNode]


a graph without any labels

Type synonym: UGr = Graph () ()

Exported operations:

(:&) :: Show a => ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

(:&) takes a node-context and a Graph and yields a new graph.

The according key idea is detailed at the beginning.

nl is the type of the node labels and el the edge labels.

Note that it is an error to induce a context for a node already contained in the graph.

Further infos:
  • defined as right-associative infix operator with precedence 5

matchAny :: Graph a b -> (([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]),Graph a b)  Deterministic 

decompose a graph into the Context for an arbitrarily-chosen Node and the remaining Graph.

In order to use graphs as abstract data structures, we also need means to decompose a graph. This decompostion should work as much like pattern matching as possible. The normal matching is done by the function matchAny, which takes a graph and yields a graph decompostion.

According to the main idea, matchAny . (:&) should be an identity.

Further infos:
  • partially defined

empty :: Graph a b  Deterministic 

An empty Graph.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

mkGraph :: Show a => [(Int,a)] -> [(Int,Int,b)] -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Create a Graph from the list of LNodes and LEdges.

buildGr :: Show a => [([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)])] -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Build a Graph from a list of Contexts.

mkUGraph :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)] -> Graph () ()  Deterministic 

Build a quasi-unlabeled Graph from the list of Nodes and Edges.

insNode :: Show a => (Int,a) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Insert a LNode into the Graph.

insEdge :: Show a => (Int,Int,b) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Insert a LEdge into the Graph.

delNode :: Int -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Remove a Node from the Graph.

delEdge :: Show a => (Int,Int) -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Remove an Edge from the Graph.

insNodes :: Show a => [(Int,a)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Insert multiple LNodes into the Graph.

insEdges :: Show a => [(Int,Int,b)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Insert multiple LEdges into the Graph.

delNodes :: [Int] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Remove multiple Nodes from the Graph.

delEdges :: Show a => [(Int,Int)] -> Graph a b -> Graph a b  Deterministic 

Remove multiple Edges from the Graph.

isEmpty :: Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 

test if the given Graph is empty.

match :: Int -> Graph a b -> (Maybe ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)]),Graph a b)  Deterministic 

match is the complement side of (:&), decomposing a Graph into the MContext found for the given node and the remaining Graph.

noNodes :: Graph a b -> Int  Deterministic 

The number of Nodes in a Graph.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

nodeRange :: Graph a b -> (Int,Int)  Deterministic 

The minimum and maximum Node in a Graph.

context :: Graph a b -> Int -> ([(b,Int)],Int,a,[(b,Int)])  Deterministic 

Find the context for the given Node. In contrast to "match", "context" causes an error if the Node is not present in the Graph.

lab :: Graph a b -> Int -> Maybe a  Deterministic 

Find the label for a Node.

neighbors :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 

Find the neighbors for a Node.

suc :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 

Find all Nodes that have a link from the given Node.

pre :: Graph a b -> Int -> [Int]  Deterministic 

Find all Nodes that link to to the given Node.

lsuc :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,b)]  Deterministic 

Find all Nodes and their labels, which are linked from the given Node.

lpre :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,b)]  Deterministic 

Find all Nodes that link to the given Node and the label of each link.

out :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 

Find all outward-bound LEdges for the given Node.

inn :: Graph a b -> Int -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 

Find all inward-bound LEdges for the given Node.

outdeg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 

The outward-bound degree of the Node.

indeg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 

The inward-bound degree of the Node.

deg :: Graph a b -> Int -> Int  Deterministic 

The degree of the Node.

gelem :: Int -> Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 

True if the Node is present in the Graph.

equal :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Graph a b -> Graph a b -> Bool  Deterministic 

graph equality

node' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 

The Node in a Context.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

lab' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> b  Deterministic 

The label in a Context.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

labNode' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> (Int,b)  Deterministic 

The LNode from a Context.

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

neighbors' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 

All Nodes linked to or from in a Context.

suc' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 

All Nodes linked to in a Context.

pre' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [Int]  Deterministic 

All Nodes linked from in a Context.

lpre' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 

All Nodes linked from in a Context, and the label of the links.

lsuc' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 

All Nodes linked from in a Context, and the label of the links.

out' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,Int,a)]  Deterministic 

All outward-directed LEdges in a Context.

inn' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> [(Int,Int,a)]  Deterministic 

All inward-directed LEdges in a Context.

outdeg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 

The outward degree of a Context.

indeg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 

The inward degree of a Context.

deg' :: ([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> Int  Deterministic 

The degree of a Context.

labNodes :: Graph a b -> [(Int,a)]  Deterministic 

A list of all LNodes in the Graph.

labEdges :: Graph a b -> [(Int,Int,b)]  Deterministic 

A list of all LEdges in the Graph.

nodes :: Graph a b -> [Int]  Deterministic 

List all Nodes in the Graph.

edges :: Graph a b -> [(Int,Int)]  Deterministic 

List all Edges in the Graph.

newNodes :: Int -> Graph a b -> [Int]  Deterministic 

List N available Nodes, ie Nodes that are not used in the Graph.

ufold :: (([(a,Int)],Int,b,[(a,Int)]) -> c -> c) -> c -> Graph b a -> c  Deterministic 

Fold a function over the graph.

gmap :: Show a => (([(b,Int)],Int,c,[(b,Int)]) -> ([(d,Int)],Int,a,[(d,Int)])) -> Graph c b -> Graph a d  Deterministic 

Map a function over the graph.

nmap :: Show a => (b -> a) -> Graph b c -> Graph a c  Deterministic 

Map a function over the Node labels in a graph.

emap :: Show a => (b -> c) -> Graph a b -> Graph a c  Deterministic 

Map a function over the Edge labels in a graph.

labUEdges :: [(a,b)] -> [(a,b,())]  Deterministic 

add label () to list of edges (node,node)

labUNodes :: [a] -> [(a,())]  Deterministic 

add label () to list of nodes

showGraph :: (Show a, Show b) => Graph a b -> String  Deterministic 

Represent Graph as String