Module HTML.LaTeX

This library contains operation to transform HTML documents into LaTeX string.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: October 2020

Summary of exported operations:

showLatexExps :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms HTML expressions into LaTeX string representation.
showLatexExp :: BaseHtml -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms an HTML expression into LaTeX string representation.
htmlSpecialChars2tex :: String -> String  Deterministic 
Convert special HTML characters into their LaTeX representation, if necessary.
showLatexDoc :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document.
showLatexDocWithPackages :: [BaseHtml] -> [String] -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document.
showLatexDocs :: [[BaseHtml]] -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms a list of HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document where each list entry appears on a separate page.
showLatexDocsWithPackages :: [[BaseHtml]] -> [String] -> String  Non-deterministic 
Transforms a list of HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document where each list entry appears on a separate page.
germanLatexDoc :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 
show german latex document

Exported operations:

showLatexExps :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms HTML expressions into LaTeX string representation.

showLatexExp :: BaseHtml -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms an HTML expression into LaTeX string representation.

htmlSpecialChars2tex :: String -> String  Deterministic 

Convert special HTML characters into their LaTeX representation, if necessary.

showLatexDoc :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document.

showLatexDocWithPackages :: [BaseHtml] -> [String] -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document. The variable "packages" holds the packages to add to the latex document e.g. "ngerman"

showLatexDocs :: [[BaseHtml]] -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms a list of HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document where each list entry appears on a separate page.

showLatexDocsWithPackages :: [[BaseHtml]] -> [String] -> String  Non-deterministic 

Transforms a list of HTML expressions into a string representation of a complete LaTeX document where each list entry appears on a separate page. The variable "packages" holds the packages to add to the latex document (e.g., "ngerman").

germanLatexDoc :: [BaseHtml] -> String  Non-deterministic 

show german latex document