Module Data.Nat

Library defining natural numbers in Peano representation and some operations on this representation.

Author: Michael Hanus

Version: December 2021

Summary of exported operations:

fromNat :: Nat -> Int  Deterministic 
Transforms a natural number into a standard integer.
toNat :: Int -> Nat  Deterministic 
Transforms a standard integer into a natural number.
add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Deterministic 
Addition on natural numbers.
sub :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Non-deterministic 
Subtraction defined by reversing addition.
mul :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Deterministic 
Multiplication on natural numbers.
leq :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool  Deterministic 

Exported datatypes:


Natural numbers defined in Peano representation. Thus, each natural number is constructor by a Z (zero) or S (successor) constructor.


  • Z :: Nat
  • S :: Nat -> Nat

Exported operations:

fromNat :: Nat -> Int  Deterministic 

Transforms a natural number into a standard integer.


n = fromNat _ satisfies n >= 0 (fromNat'post)

toNat :: Int -> Nat  Deterministic 

Transforms a standard integer into a natural number.


(toNat n) requires n >= 0 (toNat'pre)


toNat (fromNat n) -=- n (fromToNat)
(n >= 0) ==> (fromNat (toNat n) -=- n) (toFromNat)

add :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Deterministic 

Addition on natural numbers.


add x y -=- add y x (addIsCommutative)
add (add x y) z -=- add x (add y z) (addIsAssociative)

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

sub :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Non-deterministic 

Subtraction defined by reversing addition.


sub (add x y) x -=- y (subAddL)
sub (add x y) y -=- x (subAddR)

mul :: Nat -> Nat -> Nat  Deterministic 

Multiplication on natural numbers.


mul x y -=- mul y x (mulIsCommutative)
mul (mul x y) z -=- mul x (mul y z) (mulIsAssociative)
mul x (add y z) -=- add (mul x y) (mul x z) (distMulAddL)
mul (add y z) x -=- add (mul y x) (mul z x) (distMulAddR)

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions

leq :: Nat -> Nat -> Bool  Deterministic 


always $ leq x (add x y) (leqAdd)

Further infos:
  • solution complete, i.e., able to compute all solutions