Library for distributed programming with ports. This paper contains a description of the basic ideas behind this library.
Author: Michael Hanus
Version: March 2021
:: Port a -> [a] -> Bool Opens an internal port for communication. |
:: a -> Port a -> Bool Sends a message to a port. |
:: a -> Port a -> IO () I/O action that sends a message to a port. |
:: Int -> Port a -> IO (Maybe Int) Checks whether port p is still reachable. |
:: Int -> [a] -> Maybe [a] Checks for instantiation of a stream within some amount of time. |
:: String -> IO (Port SP_Msg) Opens a new connection to a process that executes a shell command. |
:: String -> IO [a] Opens an external port with a symbolic name. |
:: Int -> IO a -> Int -> String -> IO (Maybe (Port b)) Waits for connection to an external port. |
:: String -> IO (Port a) Waits for connection to an external port and return the connected port. |
:: String -> IO (Port a) Connects to an external port. |
:: Port SP_Msg -> [a] -> Either String [a] This function implements a committed choice over the receiving of messages via a stream port and an external port. |
:: Data a => (b -> [a] -> Bool) -> b -> Port a -> Bool Creates a new object (of type code State -> [msg] -> Bool/code )
with an initial state and a port to which messages for this object
can be sent.
:: (a -> [b] -> Bool) -> a -> String -> IO () Creates a new object (of type code State -> [msg] -> Bool/code )
with a symbolic port name to which messages for this object can be sent.
:: ([a] -> IO b) -> String -> IO b Runs a new server (of type code [msg] -> IO a/code ) on a named port
to which messages can be sent.
:: a -> [b] -> IO (Either a [b]) Waits until input is available on a given handles or a message in the message stream. |
:: [a] -> [b] -> IO (Either Int [b]) Waits until input is available on some of the given handles or a message in the message stream. |
The internal constructor for the port datatype is not visible to the user.
A "stream port" is an adaption of the port concept to model the communication with bidirectional streams, i.e., a stream port is a port connection to a bidirectional stream (e.g., opened by openProcessPort) where the communication is performed via the following stream port messages.
:: String -> SP_Msg
: write the argument s on the output stream
:: String -> SP_Msg
: unify the argument s with the next text line of the
input stream
:: Char -> SP_Msg
: unify the argument c with the next character of the
input stream
:: Bool -> SP_Msg
: unify the argument b with True if we are at the end
of the input stream, otherwise with False
:: SP_Msg
: close the input/output streams
Opens an internal port for communication.
Checks whether port p is still reachable.
Checks for instantiation of a stream within some amount of time.
Opens a new connection to a process that executes a shell command.
Opens an external port with a symbolic name.
Waits for connection to an external port.
In contrast to
Waits for connection to an external port and return the connected port. This action waits (possibly forever) until the external port is registered.
Connects to an external port. The external port must be already registered, otherwise an error is reported.
This function implements a committed choice over the receiving of messages via a stream port and an external port.
Creates a new object (of type
Creates a new object (of type
Runs a new server (of type
Waits until input is available on a given handles or a message in the message stream. Usually, the message stream comes from an external port. Thus, this operation implements a committed choice over receiving input from an IO handle or an external port. Note that the implementation of this operation works only with Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.5 or higher (due to a bug in previous versions of Sicstus-Prolog).
Waits until input is available on some of the given handles or a message in the message stream. Usually, the message stream comes from an external port. Thus, this operation implements a committed choice over receiving input from IO handles or an external port. Note that the implementation of this operation works only with Sicstus-Prolog 3.8.5 or higher (due to a bug in previous versions of Sicstus-Prolog).