The definition of the operations on the abstract domain used for call types, in/out types, and verification of programs.
Author: Michael Hanus
Version: October 2023
:: Analysis AType The CASS analysis to approximate result values. |
:: AType Abstract representation of no possible value. |
:: AType -> Bool Does an abstract type represent no value? |
:: AType Abstract representation of the type of all values. |
:: AType -> Bool Does an abstract type represent any value? |
:: AType -> AType -> AType Least upper bound of abstract values. |
:: AType -> AType -> AType Join two abstract values. |
:: (String,String) -> [AType] -> AType The representation of a constructor application to a list of abstract argument types. |
:: Literal -> AType |
:: Literal -> (String,String) The representation of a literal as a constructor. |
:: AType -> [(String,String)] The list of top-level constructors covered by an abstract type. |
:: (String,String) -> Int -> AType -> [AType] The argument types of an abstract type (given as the last argument) when it matches a given constructor/arity. |
:: AType -> String Shows an abstract value. |
The type of the abstract domain.
Type synonym: AType = AType
The CASS analysis to approximate result values. |
Abstract representation of no possible value.
Does an abstract type represent no value?
Abstract representation of the type of all values.
Does an abstract type represent any value?
Join two abstract values.
The result is |
The representation of a constructor application to a list of abstract argument types.
The list of top-level constructors covered by an abstract type.
The list is empty for
The argument types of an abstract type (given as the last argument) when it matches a given constructor/arity. For the top constructor domain, the arguments have always any type. |