Library for declarative processing XML data.
This libary contains definitions of combinators which can be used to specify queries and transformations on XML data in a high-level declarative manner. Actually, these combinators can be used as functional patterns in operations to query and transform XML data.
The ideas and usage of this library is described in the paper
M. Hanus: Declarative Processing of Semistructured Web Data. Technical Communications of the 27th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2011), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Vol. 11, pp. 198-208, 2011 Online
Author: Michael Hanus
Version: February 2025
:: Data a => [a] -> [a] The operation with
evaluates to all lists containing the
elements in the argument in the same order.
:: String -> [XmlExp] -> XmlExp The operation xml'
can be used to match an XML structure with a given
tag and children independent of the attributes.
:: [a] -> [a] The operation anyorder
returns all permutations of the input list.
:: String -> [XmlExp] -> XmlExp The operation deepXml
evaluates to any XML structure containing
an XML structure with the given tag and children at an abritrarily
deep position.
:: String -> [XmlExp] -> XmlExp This operation is similar to deepXml but matches the XML structures independent of their attributes. |
:: String -> [(String,String)] -> [XmlExp] -> XmlExp This operation is similar to deepXml but allows to provide a list of attributes to the matched XML structures. |
:: String -> [XmlExp] -> Bool The predicate noTagOf
returns True
if the given tag is not a tag
of all argument XML structures.
:: Data a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] The operation withOthers
is similar to with
but has a second argument
that contains the child nodes that are present but not part of the
first argument.
:: String -> [XmlExp] -> [XmlExp] -> XmlExp The operation optXml
can be used in transformations of XML elements
to insert a structure with a given tag depending on the presence
of this tag in a list of XML strucutres.
The operation > with [1,2] 1:2:_a 1:_a:2:_b 1:_a:_b:2:_c ... This operation can be used in a pattern to match XML structures having at least the given elements as children, as in getNamePhone (xml "entry" (with [xml "name" [xtxt name], xml "phone" [xtxt phone]])) = name ++ ": " ++ phone |
The operation getName (xml’ "entry" (with [xml’ "name" [xtxt n]])) = n
matches an XML element with tag |
The operation getNamePhone (xml "entry" (with (anyorder [xml "name" [xtxt name], xml "phone" [xtxt phone]]))) = name ++ ": " ++ phone
The operation getNamePhone (deepXml "entry" (with [xml "name" [xtxt name], xml "phone" [xtxt phone]])) = name ++ ": " ++ phone
allows to query an XML structure having a structure with tag |
This operation is similar to deepXml but matches the XML structures independent of their attributes. |
This operation is similar to deepXml but allows to provide a list of attributes to the matched XML structures. For instance, getMaleFirstNames (deepXElem "first" (with [("sex","male")]) [xtxt f]) = f
matches an XML structure containing an XML structure with tag |
The predicate |
The operation getNamePhoneWithoutEmail (deepXml "entry" (withOthers [xml "name" [xtxt name], xml "phone" [xtxt phone]] others)) | "email" `noTagOf` others = name ++ ": " ++ phone |
The operation
The following definition shows a usage of transNickPhone (deepXml "entry" (withOthers [xml "name" [xtxt n], xml "first" [xtxt f], xml "phone" phone] others)) = xml "nickphone" [optXml "nickname" [xtxt (f++n)] others, xml "phone" phone] |