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Curry Package opt-parse

opt-parse - An Advanced Command Line Parser for Curry

opt-parse is an advanced command line parser for Curry. It features support for options with and without values (i.e. flags), positional arguments and commands that can define their own sub-parsers. It borrows heavily from Paolo Capriotti’s Haskell package optparse-applicative and Curry’s GetOpt module.

You use opt-parse by declaring a parser specification and then running that parser specification on a command line. A parser specification is made up from individual parsers for options, flags, position arguments and commands. Each individual parser results in an arbitrary value, though all parsers in a parser specification must result in values of the same type.

A Simple Example

A simple command line parser example might look like this:

cmdParser = optParser $
     option (\s -> readInt s) 
       (  long "number"
       <> short "n"
       <> metavar "NUMBER"
       <> help "The number." )
 <.> arg (\s -> readInt s)
       (  metavar "NEXT-NUMBER"
       <> help "The next number." )

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  parseResult <- return $ parse (intercalate " " args) cmdParser "test"
  putStrLn $ case parseResult of
    Left err -> err
    Right  v -> show v

This defines a parser that supports a number option and requires a single positional argument. Both values are parsed into an integer. The parse function is called with the command line as a single string, the parser specification and the name of the current program. It results in either a Left if there was a parse error or a Right with the list of parse results. Running test --help prints out usage information:


-n, --number NUMBER      The number.

NEXT-NUMBER     The next number.

If we run test --number=5 2, we get the list of parse results:

[2, 5]

metavar and help are modifiers that can be applied to any argument parser, command, option, flag or positional. The help text is what is printed in the detailed usage output, the metavar is the placeholder to be printed for the argument’s value in the usage output. The optional modifier can also be applied to all argument types, although flags and options are already optional by default.

The long and short modifiers are specific to options and flags.

Right now, the result of our parser is a list of the individual parse results. Usually, we want our parse result to be a single value, for example a Curry data type such as this:

data Options = Options
  { number :: Int
  , nextNumber :: Int }

To parse a command line to an Options value, we return functions from our individual parsers instead of integers:

cmdParser = optParser $
     option (\s a -> a { number = readInt s }) 
       (  long "number"
       <> short "n"
       <> metavar "NUMBER"
       <> help "The number." )
 <.> arg (\s a -> a { nextNumber = readInt s })
       (  metavar "NEXT-NUMBER"
       <> help "The next number." )

The result of a successful parse will now be a list of functions that change an Options value. We can fold this list onto a default Options:

applyParse :: [Options -> Options] -> Options
applyParse fs = foldl (flip apply) defaultOpts fs
  defaultOpts = Options 0 0

main = do
  args <- getArgs
  parseResult <- return $ parse (intercalate " " args) cmdParser "test"
  putStrLn $ case parseResult of
    Left err -> err
    Right  v -> show $ applyParse v

Executing test --number=5 1 results in:

(Options 5 1)

Positional Arguments and Flags

Positional arguments can be created via arg and rest. arg is a normal positional argument which can be optional or mandatory. rest is a positional argument that consumes the rest of the command line as-is. Positional arguments are expected in the order they occur in the parser definition.

flag can be used to create flag arguments. A flag argument expects no value.


In addition to options, flags and positional arguments, opt-parse also includes support for commands. A command is a positional argument that dispatches to sub-parsers depending on its value. If we have a calculator program that supports addition and multiplication, we could model its command line interface using commands:

data Options = Options
  { operation :: Int -> Int -> Int
  , operandA :: Int
  , operandB :: Int }

cmdParser = optParser $
  commands (metavar "OPERATION") 
    (   command "add" (help "Adds two numbers.") (\a -> a { operation = (+) })
          (   arg (\s a -> a { operandA = readInt s }
                (  metavar "OPERAND-A"
                <> help "The first operand." )
          <.> arg (\s a -> a { operandB = readInt s }
                (  metavar "OPERAND-B"
                <> help "The second operand." ) )
    <|> command "mult" (help "Multiplies two numbers.") (\a -> a { operation = (*) })
          (   arg (\s a -> a { operandA = readInt s }
                (  metavar "OPERAND-A"
                <> help "The first operand." )
          <.> arg (\s a -> a { operandB = readInt s }
                (  metavar "OPERAND-B"
                <> help "The second operand." ) ) )

The corresponding usage output for test run with no further arguments is:


Options for OPERATION
add      Adds two numbers.
mult     Multiplies two numbers.

If we choose an operation, e.g. add, the output is:


OPERAND-A     The first operand.
OPERAND-B     The second operand.


Checkout with CPM:
cypm checkout opt-parse 3.0.0
Package source:
opt-parse-3.0.0.tar.gz [browse]
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