Packages with libraries and tools to analyze (Curry) programs
call-analysis casc cass cass-analysis curry-source currybrowse currydoc currypp failfree importusage peval peval-noshare property-prover residuation-analysis stylechecker transbooleq verify-non-fail
Packages to support the development of (Curry) compilers
Packages to support constraint programming for various constraint domains
chr-curry clp-pakcs clpbool clpfd-smt dimacs
Packages to support control structures in Curry programs
allvalues searchtree searchtree-extra searchtree-unsafe setfunctions transformers
Packages implementing various data structures for programming
array assoc-legacy bindata binint bpmn2bpel containers csv finite-map graph-inductive graphviz json peano printf propertyfile queue read-legacy redblacktree roman rw-data rw-data-generator scc string-trie time traversal xml xmldata
Packages supporting the connection of Curry programs to databases
cdbi db-pakcs ertools keydb spicey
Packages to support the debugging of Curry programs
coosy dsdcurry profiling profiling-pakcs
Packages to support documentation tasks
curry-resources currydoc markdown
Packages providing extra support for input/output tasks in Curry
Packages to deal with logic-oriented non-deterministic computations
allvalues combinatorial inversion plural-arguments searchtree searchtree-extra searchtree-unsafe setfunction-synthesis setfunctions
This category contains packages for meta-programming. Meta-programs are programs handling programs (possibly written in other programming languages) as data so that they can be interpreted, translated, or analyzed.
abstract-curry curry-ast curry-interface exact-print flatcurry flatcurry-annotated flatcurry-smt flatcurry-type-annotated flatcurry-typed golang icurry javascript julia prolog prolog2curry showflatcurry
Packages to support, e.g., interpret or visualize, narrowing strategies
Packages to support communication over computer networks
This category contains packages providing numeric operations or representations of numeric objects.
Packages to support the optimization of Curry programs
call-analysis contract-prover flatcurry-compact nonstrictunif-optimize peval peval-noshare transbooleq
Tools to support the management of Curry packages
This category contains packages to support the implementation of general parsers or parsers for specific languages.
csv det-parse fl-parser opt-parse regexp
Packages to support printing and formatting
Packages to support various programming tasks when developing Curry programs
abstract-haskell addtypes allvalues base benchmark-papers contracts cpc cpm curry-repl currypp dsdcurry extra failfree global global-variables inversion makefile ninja pflp plural-arguments ports property-prover random runcurry rw-data rw-data-generator searchtree searchtree-extra searchtree-unsafe setfunction-synthesis setfunctions showflatcurry sourceproggui verify-non-fail
Packages to support, e.g., interpret or visualize, rewriting strategies
Packages to support system-related tasks in Curry programs, like file access, process handling, etc.
ansi-terminal cryptohash currypath directory execpath filepath frontend-exec process
Packages to support the testing of Curry programs
benchmark-papers ccti contracts currycheck easycheck
This category contains packages with libraries to support the implementation of user interfaces, like GUIs.
ansi-terminal graphviz gui ui wui wui2
This category contains packages to support the verification of (Curry) programs and to provide connections to other verification tools.
contract-prover dimacs failfree property-prover smtlib smtlib-solver verify verify-non-fail
This category contains packages to support web programming, i.e., the implementation of web-based applications.
curry2js html html-cgi html2 javascript json mail-utils markdown spicey url wui wui2 xml xmldata